The Handwriting Tutor Kent
About Handwriting

A significant number of children experience difficulties with handwriting and as a result are unable to achieve their true potential. Often handwriting is taught poorly in the early years at school. Our education system requires pupils to write for more than half of their time in Primary school. Handwriting is required at GCSE and A-Levels, even in Maths and Science. Although children are allowed access to laptops for exams, poor handwriting will hinder a child's academic achievements.
I have helped many children with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, ADHD, autism and cerebral palsy.
The Handwriting Association promotes the importance of legible handwriting. Their poster highlights the components required to achieve this.
The national curriculum teacher assessment framework advises that primary school children should be able to:
KeyStage 1 (KS1) – Working at greater depth “use the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join some letters”.
Key Stage 2 (KS2) – Working at expected standard “maintain legibility in joined handwriting when writing at speed”
There is no mention of cursive writing. I teach a simplified joined up font with diagonal and horizontal strokes.
During the first lesson I will assess your child’s handwriting skills which will include posture, pencil grip, fine motor control, letter formation and writing speed. Specific techniques will be taught which will quickly transform your child’s writing. Most children improve greatly after 10-12 lessons producing legible, fluent and speedy writing. These lessons are best supported by 5-10 minutes daily homework.
Improved handwriting increases confidence and self esteem leading to a solid platform for future achievement.